Version 1.3.2
Release date: 2023-10-30
- replaces old Twitter logo with new X logo in social media menu locations
- adds additional display options to the slideshow feature: hide the title or the call-to-action button
Version 1.3.1
Release date: 2023-09-12
- removes reference to deprecated third-party plugin recommendation
Version 1.3
Release date: 2022-10-20
- adds a new footer social links menu location
Version 1.2.2
Release date: 2022-09-12
- improves color contrast for accessibility
Version 1.2.1
Release date: 2022-08-25
- implements improvements to person template output
- updates university footer menu links
Version 1.2
Release date: 2022-07-11
- implements integration with The Events Calendar third-party plugin to include custom templates and styling so that its event lists and individual event entries will be automatically styled to coordinate with the Mason visual identity
Version 1.1.3
Release date: 2022-06-07
- improvements to style of the WordPress block editor and classic editor to better match the theme front-end display
- removes WordPress automatically-generated users sitemap
- fixes CSS issue with long site titles potentially overlapping drop down menus
- updates included version of FontAwesome to version 6.1.1
Version 1.1.2
Release date: 2022-05-03
- CSS improvements in website header area
Version 1.1.1
Release date: 2022-03-23
- fixes bug with the definition of the permalink structure of the people and slideshow slides custom post types
Version 1.1
Release date: 2022-03-22
- homepage header slideshow feature added
- adds a “Mason Configuration Messages” meta box to the WordPress dashboard alerting administrators to some common configuration issues
- improves theme styling, notably including improvements to the page sidebar widget area and content layout generally
Version 1.0.2
Release date: 2021-06-03
- updates theme naming convention
Version 1.0.1
Release date: 2021-03-24
- updated default footer links
- added an option to the theme customizer to customize the footer logo
- fixed a bug whereby child menu items of active sub-menu items in the main navigation menu would also appear as active
- improved accessibility by increasing the contrast ratio of some elements of the main navigation menu
- improved accessibility by changing the main navigation menu style to underline active menu items
- fixed a bug whereby the footer menu would appear twice if a custom footer menu was specified
- modified styling of left- and right-aligned images in the full-page template to enable them to take up more space. (The default styling, from the parent theme’s “narrow” template, shrinks-down floated images to fit them in the margins.)
Version 1.0
Release date: 2021-02-06
- initial release